Thursday, February 20, 2014

42. Bus Lady

It's just before 7 o'clock in the morning when I hop on the 72 at Humboldt and two ladies are arguing. Considering the time, the bus is remarkably empty, so it's not like they couldn't change seats to remove themselves from the situation. I turn down my head phones just enough to hear the cause.

"Mr. Bus Driver! She's looking at me funny!" screamed one lady.

"Girl, you're out of your mind!" shouted the other one.

The bus driver flicks his hand. He's having none of it.

Neither am I. It's far too early for this. I turn up my headphones to drown out the crazy.

The shouting continues and people start staring. A lady seated across from me smirks. The woman being accused of giving shade gets off and accuser moves to the front to argue with the bus driver. As the bus fills, she stands up as if to give up her seat only to sit down again right before each person is about to sit.

When we approach the Red Line stop, we all begin to line up to exit. The woman, who is still arguing with the bus driver hip-checks another woman out of line in order to get off first.

"Some people are just starved for attention," my mother would have said.

I never understood that. I think it's better to go faceless on a commute than to be the crazy lady on the bus Thursday morning.

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