Sunday, February 23, 2014

44. Barbie Girl

I have had very few social interactions this weekend given that I have been sleeping off a cold much of the past couple of days. With that being said, the next two entries are probably just going to be references to people I've read about, because, why not?

Anyway, so I've spent the past 10 minutes or so doing somewhat research on Blondie Bennett, who's main goal in life is to be Barbie. OK. So she's had dozens of plastic surgeries to make her look like the iconic doll, that are funded by fans through her NSFW Twitter. She is currently undergoing hypnotherapy to lower her IQ. She essentially wants to be a human sex doll.

I don't want to judge her specifically, but I kind of have some social commentary.

1. There are people in this world that are funding this. How many of these people turn blind eye to homeless people panhandling, or say no when asked in the supermarket checkout line to donate a dollar to cancer research? I'd be curious to know. I also think that if you are going to do something like that to yourself you shouldn't reach out and ask people to fund it. That would be like me having a Kickstarter fund every time I wanted to get a new tattoo.

2. The concept of plastic surgery skeeves me out. I know that's easy for me to say right now given that at 26, I consider myself to be decent looking enough. I know I'm trying not to be judgey, but this woman has double J's. 1. Ouch. 2. How do you handle that much boob on you? I think the best parts of a woman are the parts that are supposed to be a little squishy so I don't understand wanting to be all hard plastic.

3. I read in one of these articles that she thinks being a human is boring. What?! I'm not sure if it's me, but I think being human the exact opposite. Life is a beautiful, fucked up thing. I'm not going to go into the psychology of what she does because I'm not educated enough to say so confidently, and if being a human Barbie gives her life meaning than fine, but being human is only as boring as you make it. Life only has the meaning that you give it.

As a tried and true empath, I really want to see where she is coming from outside of the cliche, "She seems really sad." I want it to be more than, "Well Jess, no matter how bad your day gets at least you're not her." I want to think Blondie Bennett is Blondie Bennett and that she always was that. I don't want to think of her as Norma Jean who got sucked into being Marilyn Monroe. I think people deserve better than to change themselves from the outside in in order to be this fucked up image of idolatry. I think the word deserves more out of its idols than mass produced celebrities that are more shock value and less humanity.

I also know writing a blog post about this makes me a huge hypocrite, but I digress.

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