Monday, March 3, 2014

53. Lisa

A couple years ago, I was living at my dad's and working at a private jet brokerage. I'll be honest, while I'm good at the whole customer service thing, hearing complaints day in and day out can be a little draining. On the day in question, I had come home an hour later than I was supposed to because of a few more broken planes than normal and diversions due to weather and presidential movement. When I put my key in the door I noticed the light was on in the living room. I walk in to see my sister on the couch with a big bag of tortilla chips watching "The Shining."

"Hey.." she said, with barely enough energy to be audible.

"Hey kid. How are ya?"

"Shitty. Mike is being a fucking asshole again."

(Mike is a now ex boyfriend. Thankfully not the father of my niece.)

"Ugh  that sucks." I replied. "I'm sorry."

"How are you?" She asked.

"Work tired. People are the worst."

I sat down next to her and grabbed a chip.

"Yeah." She said still looking at the T.V. "People are awful."

With that we sat in silence and watched the rest of the movie. She had been in and out of trouble the past few years and we had just started talking again. While we weren't close prior to this, my step sister and I were definitely not friends. In the next few months starting that night, the passenger side of my old CRV would act as sort of a therapy chair for her. We would take long drives in the morning to get coffee and I would let her talk. Often times we would find ourselves laughing at absolutely nothing. One thing that's sustained my sister though all her crazy is her sense of humor and I'm grateful for that. I hope Gia ends up inheriting that.

The movie nights would happen regular too. From Mulan to Mean Girls, and even some ridiculous reality T.V, Lisa and I would decompress by watching something mindless on the screen. Since we both moved out, every now and then I'll get a text paying homage to those days.

"Watching The Shining. Thought of you!"

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