Tuesday, March 11, 2014

60. To the Nurse

The feeling of complete inundation happens quickly for me. A challenge is either over my head or underneath my feet upon first presentation. If it's at first over my head, I get nervous and cry out my anxiety. I'm serious about this. If I'm crying, it doesn't usually mean I'm sad. It means someone needs to temporarily be my adulthood and reason because it's just not happening otherwise. After this, I'm golden. My head's clear and I'm focused.

Today something medically freaked me out and I was instantly overwhelmed. I called my doctor to schedule an appointment for Thursday. Not feeling completely satisfied with my resolution (told you-reason, out the door) I called the nurse hotline at my doctor's office to see if I should come in sooner. I ended up crying-full on, can't speak coherent sentences crying to this poor nurse. When I collected myself, I apologized and thanked her for her expertise.

"Oh honey!" she said, "No need to apologize! I understand. Sometimes our bodies do crazy and random things for no reason. I tell you what, nurse's orders. Make sure when you get home from work, you make yourself a cup of tea, get a big hug if available, curl yourself under your covers and read a good book. It'll make you feel better."

I'm in bed before 9, curled under my covers with some mediocre writing. A few people from back home sent me virtual hugs.  I have my water bottle and a High Life on my night stand.  (My version of what she ordered.) She was right- I feel A LOT better.

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