Saturday, February 15, 2014

38. Eddie

We had nearly killed the cheese and crackers by the time music came up. Alex was going on and on about how she loves Lana Del Ray. I made a face.

"Not impressed?" Eddie asked.

"I hate her," I said. "I hate how she copied everything from the 60's except not well and she plays off this forlorn manic pixie dream girl shit."

Alex rolled her eyes. Nedda laughed.

At this point most guys would ask if I'm always this forward, but Eddie is well versed in women so he proceeds with his questions in a disarming way.

"What kind of music do you like?"

"More or less everything," I replied. "But lately I've been on a huge punk rock kick. Against Me, Misfits, Bouncing Souls etc."

"I used to be into punk, but mostly when I was a teenager. I liked the aggression."

"I like the aggression now," I said. "I need it more than ever have. I have a growing fear of becoming suburban."

"No white picket fences for ya?" he asked.

"Not unless they're actually road maps and accepted manuscripts."

I listen to these songs over and over again and with each play I realize that the revolution wasn't a lie, it's just internal and not talked about. "Anarchy" is the old "Jesus take the wheel." Just because the ideas take a different manifestation as we age, doesn't mean that they died. 

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