Sunday, January 19, 2014

9. Patrick/ Lazy Bones

I just want to preface this post by saying there is no excuse for why I didn't post yesterday. I was writing all day, but it wasn't about a specific person. I should have taken a break to write this post, but instead I was lazy. In honor of my laziness.. "Lazy Bones!"

I don't like Leon Redbone and I really, REALLY hate this song, but my  friend Patrick loves it. He was the one that introduced me to it, and the moment I heard it, my face twisted.

"What's a matter, Darlin? Not a Redbone fan?" he asked.

"Not sure what it is, but I fucking hate this song."

I think he secretly loved that I hated it.

When the Thirsty Scholar crew would stumble back to Patrick's for a few more rounds he'd holler at me from a few feet behind.


An act of which was promptly met with a, "FUCK YOU PATRICK!" and a playful punch to his sternum.

There's a line that Ed Helms' character in the office says, something like, "I wish I knew these were the good ol days. I would have enjoyed them more."

I feel that way about that crew and that summer. We all split up after that and I was too caught up in my own drama to realize how wonderful those days were while I was living them, or how much of a gem Patrick really was. He moved to the Berkshires with his girlfriend and hardly talks to anyone but her anymore. Our friend even had a hard time reaching him to ask him to be a groomsman in his wedding.

 Rest assured though-one of us will request that song at that reception. I'll suffer through it. It'll be worth the memory.

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